Keeping your WordPress site Protected

WordFence often reports issues of login attempts and increase of attacks against WordPress sites.  At Net Communications we have put together some guidance to help you protect your data and keep your website secure and recommend you follow these additional steps:

  • Install a firewall like Wordfence, which helps against brute force attacks.Change your password using at least 12 digits, in uppercase, lowercase, numbers and symbols. Also make sure this email is unique and not being used anywhere else.
  • Delete unused administrator accounts
  • Setup WordFence’s monitor for incoming wp-login.php traffic and turn on email alerts.
  • Besides the above your site should be kept up to date on a regular basis as hackers can use out of date plugins or themes to gain entry to your site.

Hacks and vulnerabilities can be very concerning but by following our guide above you can reduce the risks of someone hacking your website.  We do offer support and on-going maintenance services should you feel you have not got the time to perform the steps above.  Please read more here or contact us if you have any questions.