Email Support

Windows Mobile Email Setup Guide (Nokia Lumia, Windows 10 Tablets, etc)

This page will help you get mail on your windows 10 device.

First search the apps for “Outlook Mail” the icon should look like this:

open up the app and then if you are using it for the first time it should appear like this:

Tap the get started button and then you will get on a page where you can add an account, tap on that.

Next you will be greeted with a page with lots of buttons tap the one that is labelled “Advanced set-up”

(It may ask you if you want to: ‘Setup the account manually’ If so tick this box) Fill in your information with the details that we have previously provided. Use the images below as a guide (Replace my information with your own information). Make sure that the account type is set to be a POP3 type.

Click sign in and you should be taken to a screen that says that you have created the account.

You will be brought to your inbox and once there you will get a notification at the top saying that the details are not up to date click the button at the top that says “Fix account”, something like this:

Tapping fix account will take you to a page that looks like this:

On this page tap continue this just lets the phone know to trust the emails from

Once you have done this you can click the 2 circular arrows to refresh the mail. To compose mail just tap the plus sign in the bottom left side of the screen